is here thanks to your bucketfuls of letters!
"To see things in the seed." - Lao Tzu
Dottie & Peg on L.A. Talk Radio, Honeyyy

Internet Radio
Arkansas Buzzes Tonight . . .
"Dottie Bloom"
©2012-2017 Missy Crider, creator, writer & performer
Dottie Bloom hails to us western desert palm tree folk all the way from her former days working at
The Arkansas State Mental Health Hospital Gift Shoppe . . .
"Stay Happy, Honeyyy."
~Love, Dot
Show Archives + Excerpts, Letters & Dottie Raw
"Now if Jesus, or Buddha, or the good Jewish peoples' lovely awaited King... showed up at the airport this Sunday mornin' . . . Now, would you go pick him UP?. . . or would you go on ahead and git to church?" - Wonderin' with Dottie
"Cathy, Honeyyy, now you're the therapist,,, do talk some sense into us, MY LANDS -- Now, do you reckon this cyber-datin' is much like droppin' yer shavin' razor plumb into a bathtub just chock full-o-bubbles, honeyyy?" - I mean, really, with Dottie
"Now, look, it's simple-- If you left yer dog AND yer fella locked up in the gArage for about 4 hours,,,Why, when you return, which one d'ya think'll be happy ta SEE Youuuu?" ~ My Lands, Dottie
You are Here:
Dottie's New Page!:
Tune In Live - "Cathy Is In" Mondays 3pm PST - Channel 2
Livestream - or Listen Later - Cathy Archives
Thinkin’ too much ~ with Dottie
Well folks, thank you for tunin’ your dial to the right number. Welcome to Arkansas Buzzes To-Night, Thinkin’ Too Much ~ with Dottie. Well now, can you believe that before I went live with my microphone right out here on the back porch under these bright twinklin’ stars just before my Lord came a’whisperin in my ear about my cawlin’ to jus’ talk to you good folks at night when the pent-up corporate penguins of the day are all conked out on ungodly fancy-schmancy brain-potions an' that silly devil alcohol, could you believe that I used to work at the Arkansas State Mental Health Lock-Down Ward Gift Shoppe? Now, after Great Spirit whispered that callin’ to me straight into my ear that I am s’posed to sit out here and trust It and just tawlk to good folks every night, I knew I could quit my job, honeyyy. I wanted to quit beFORE "the whisper" because they used'ta make me leave one a’them out-goin’ messags on their answerin’ machine that went-a-somethin' like this . . .Can you jus' believe how dad-gum mean a mental institution can be to folks, honeyyy?
My Lands ~
Arkansas Buzzes Tonight . . .
"Dottie Bloom"
©2012-2017 Missy Crider, creator, writer & performer
Dottie Bloom hails to us western desert palm tree folk all the way from her former days working at
The Arkansas State Mental Health Hospital Gift Shoppe . . .
"Stay Happy, Honeyyy."
~Love, Dot
Show Archives + Excerpts, Letters & Dottie Raw
"Now if Jesus, or Buddha, or the good Jewish peoples' lovely awaited King... showed up at the airport this Sunday mornin' . . . Now, would you go pick him UP?. . . or would you go on ahead and git to church?" - Wonderin' with Dottie
"Cathy, Honeyyy, now you're the therapist,,, do talk some sense into us, MY LANDS -- Now, do you reckon this cyber-datin' is much like droppin' yer shavin' razor plumb into a bathtub just chock full-o-bubbles, honeyyy?" - I mean, really, with Dottie
"Now, look, it's simple-- If you left yer dog AND yer fella locked up in the gArage for about 4 hours,,,Why, when you return, which one d'ya think'll be happy ta SEE Youuuu?" ~ My Lands, Dottie
You are Here:
Dottie's New Page!:
Tune In Live - "Cathy Is In" Mondays 3pm PST - Channel 2
Livestream - or Listen Later - Cathy Archives
Thinkin’ too much ~ with Dottie
Well folks, thank you for tunin’ your dial to the right number. Welcome to Arkansas Buzzes To-Night, Thinkin’ Too Much ~ with Dottie. Well now, can you believe that before I went live with my microphone right out here on the back porch under these bright twinklin’ stars just before my Lord came a’whisperin in my ear about my cawlin’ to jus’ talk to you good folks at night when the pent-up corporate penguins of the day are all conked out on ungodly fancy-schmancy brain-potions an' that silly devil alcohol, could you believe that I used to work at the Arkansas State Mental Health Lock-Down Ward Gift Shoppe? Now, after Great Spirit whispered that callin’ to me straight into my ear that I am s’posed to sit out here and trust It and just tawlk to good folks every night, I knew I could quit my job, honeyyy. I wanted to quit beFORE "the whisper" because they used'ta make me leave one a’them out-goin’ messags on their answerin’ machine that went-a-somethin' like this . . .Can you jus' believe how dad-gum mean a mental institution can be to folks, honeyyy?
My Lands ~
Dot on The Almighty YouTube, Honeyyy
Dottie on YouTube!
SUPERBOWL, Chickenwings, & Ranch
Halloween Hello from Dot:
Gift Shoppe - Dot’s Old Job at the Arkansas State Mental Health Lockdown Ward
Paper Boy:
Go Fish:
On Gay Marriage & Equal Rights - Carroll County Arkansas Disaster
Cyber Love:
Dot Scootin’ About Aliens:
Almighty WIFI:
All Them Letters:
Corn Pone:
SUPERBOWL, Chickenwings, & Ranch
Halloween Hello from Dot:
Gift Shoppe - Dot’s Old Job at the Arkansas State Mental Health Lockdown Ward
Paper Boy:
Go Fish:
On Gay Marriage & Equal Rights - Carroll County Arkansas Disaster
Cyber Love:
Dot Scootin’ About Aliens:
Almighty WIFI:
All Them Letters:
Corn Pone:
DotTie Raw, Honeyyy
The Letter reply Audio Archive . . .
Letters to Dottie, Honeyyy
Send here:

Send your letter or question in type & in your phone voice recordin'
on over to us at your leisure, honeyyy.
*October 28, 2013 [Interview RT: 2 hrs]
Hails to our desert parts all the way from the Arkansas State Mental Health Hospital Gift Shoppe . . .
Missy Crider Interview - Emmy nominated American actress/singer/writer/creator of Dottie Bloom & The Wizard of Oz - 4-minute audio abridgement monologue
~~~Well now, my lands here we go . . .
The creation of Dottie Bloom & her early days working at
The Arkansas State Mental Health Hospital Gift Shoppe . . .
Cathy's Show:
"Now if Jesus, or Buddha, or the good Jewish peoples' lovely awaited King... showed up at the airport this Sunday mornin'... Why, would you go pick him UP?, or would you go on ahead and git to church?"
- Wonderin' with Dottie
*January 13, 2014 [RT 3:15]
"New Year's 2014 Message" ... from a stump deep in the Arkansas woods, honeyyy."
Cathy's Show:
Dear Dot,
What would be your advice or a few tips for the New Year?
Happy Holidays,
*February 3, 2014 [RT 1:35]
"Hog Breath" - Ms. Myrtle Sue Higginbotham's letter - Clunker, Missouri
Cathy's Show:
Dear Dottie,
Hi! My name is Myrtle Sue Higginbotham and I have a question for you. I heard you on that thar radio show on January 13th with Cathy DeBuono and Jennie McNulty. I live in Clunker, MO right outside of Liniska. It was a real treat to hear your voice because out here, the only kind of reception we git is by the outhouse. Maw and Paw are saving up for a saucer satellite dish. Anyway, back to my question. I am having problems with my boyfriend. We met 2 months ago and I thought he was the cat's pajamas. Literally, he had a cat suit on. He was playing in one of our local plays at the school for the kids. I fell in love instantly. His greasy Dapper Dan hair captured me. What a hottie! We dated for a while, but I came to realize that he likes the chaw, ya know the chewin' tobaccuh. Well, my heavens to mergatroid, I thought my first kiss with him was going to be great. His breath was bad. I'm mean like hog's breath. Hog's. Have you smelt hog's breath before Dottie? You don't have to kiss a hog to know what I mean either. So, my question is, how can I tell him nicely but firmly that he needs to stop the chaw? It's either me or the chewin tobaccuh. I hope to hear more from you on that thar Cathy DeBuono's radio show. I have to go back to my Maw and Paw's feed store.
Myrtle Sue Higginbotham
*February 24, 2014 [RT 2:50]
"The Corn Pone, Honeyyy" - Mr. Timm Hilty's letter - Polk County, Arkansas
Cathy's Show:
Hello Dottie,
I sure is happy hearing a taste of the 'South' featured on L.A. Talk Radio. You know i spent most of my life just a stones throw from Poke County and listening to you made me home sick. I have a question for you. I've grown accustomed to $5.00 coffee here in California but not having a good corn pone is working my last hillbilly nerve. Could you share your recipe and tell the good people of L.A. what they're missin out on? All right Dot, I can't wait to hear your next call and tell your momma how's she durrrrin.
Timm Hilty
*March 3, 2014 [RT 7:45]
"Cyberlove" - Ms. Tabatha's letter - Hollywood Hills, California
Cathy's Show:
Dear Dot,
SOS!! My lady friends and I have been trying our luck on internet dating sites and all find we have the same problem: After one or two dates all these guys just want to get into our pants. Now we are all over 60 so you might think we could find some civilized gentlemen who know a thing or two about courting. How can we slow down the sex stuff and still find a meaningful relationship in cyberspace?
*March 10, 2014 [RT: 2:44]
"Paper Boy" - Mr. Buried Under Bad Ink's Letter - Houston, Texas
Cathy's Show:
I have called and asked the local newspaper here in Houston three times to stop dropping newspapers on my lawn.
They won't stop! They seem intent on providing me news against my will!!!
What should I do?
Buried Under Bad Ink
*March 17, 2014 [RT: 2:59]
"Go Fish" - Ms. Myrtle Sue Higginbotham's 2nd Letter - Clunker, Missouri
Cathy's Show:
Dear Dottie,
Hi there. This is Myrtle Sue Higginbotham. Now that we got over the hog's breath problem I got another question fer Dottie Bloom. My man, Herbert 'n I, went on a fishin' date and he wanted me to be quiet because I would scare the fish. I just wanted to be romantic and I even brought some fine moonshine for both of us. How can I get him to talk to me? And I know good and well that the fish ain't gonna hear us.
Thank you,
Myrtle Sue
*March 24, 2014 [RT: 1:30]
"Gift Shoppe" - Ms. Tyra's Tweet Letter - Twitter, Worldwide
Cathy's Show:
Dear Dottie,
Were you a manageress there at the Arkansas hospital gift shop? Can you tell us why you left your job working there?
I bet you were good at it is all.
Just Wondering!
Tyra from Twitter
*April 7, 2014 [RT: 1:30]
"Dot Scootin' About Aliens" - Mr. Nelson J's Letter - Santa Fe, New Mexico
Cathy's Show:
Dottie Alien Awareness Video here:
Hello Dottie,
Do you have any opinions or thoughts on the planets NASA found recently?
Nelson J., Santa Fe New Mexico
Dottie & Peg on L.A. Talk RAdio 2013-2014

"My lands Sugar, missed a visit?
Don't you worry a freckle on a frog's hair.
Hear it all from your couch in that fuzzy duster, honeyyy..."
Dottie Bloom - March 24, 2014 [*Stay Tuned]
"Gift Shoppe" - Ms. Tyra's Tweet Letter - Twitter, Worldwide Web
Dottie Bloom - March 17, 2014 [RT 2:59 - Commercial Break End of Show]
"Go Fish" - Ms. Myrtle Sue Higgenbotham's 2nd Letter - Clunker, Missouri
Dottie Bloom - March 10, 2014 [RT 2:44 - Commercial Break]
"Paper Boy" - Mr. Buried Under Bad Ink's Letter - Houston, Texas
Dottie Bloom - March 3, 2014 [RT 7:45 - throughout]
"Cyber Love" - Miss Tabatha's Letter - Hollywood Hills, California
Dottie Bloom - February 24, 2014 [RT 2:50 - Top Ten of Show]
"Corn Pone" - Mr. Timm Hilty's Letter - Polk County, Arkansas
Dottie Bloom - February 3, 2014 [RT 0:35 - Top Ten of Show]
"Hog Breath" - Ms. Myrtle Sue Higgenbotham's 1st Letter - Clunker, Missouri
Dottie Bloom - January 13, 2014 [RT 3:15 min - Open of Show] . . . From the middle of nowhere.
"Almighty WiFi" - New Year's Message with Peg & Dot
- From a Stump Deep in The Woods, Arkansas
Dottie Bloom Creation - October 28, 2013 - Missy Crider Interview: Emmy nominated actress/writer/singer/producer
Interview & The Wizard of Oz 4-minute monologue [RT 2 hrs]
- Tales of the creation of Miss Dottie Bloom & her former days when working at
The Arkansas State Mental Health Lock Down Ward Gift Shoppe . . .