5-6-2017 Crider Post – ASD Prevalence An astute mother with a child with autism shared: “It wasn't just that she didn't understand language. She didn't seem to be aware of her surroundings. She wasn't figuring out how her world worked, learning about keys that fit into doors, […] If she was focusing on anything, it was on minute particles of dust or hair that she now picked up from the rug, to study with intense concentration […] Worse, she didn't seem to be picking up anyone's feelings (Mash, 2015, p. 156).” Three possible causes for the increase in the prevalence of ASD 1. Mothers being older having children. Our society is getting “healthier” (so they say) as per age of usual dying being older now. Women are getting pregnant later due to lifestyle of being so busy in their 20s and 30s with 2-3 jobs making ends meet, that the “housewife” who can solely have kids is extinct. The odds of women having babies that are not stricken with disorders or syndromic issues are not looking good and haven’t in recent decades; interestingly, (not) the most two recent decades of time that autism has double-shot through the roof in our country alone. “Autism is a highly heritable disorder with a complex inheritance pattern […] A polygenic, multifactorial inheritance model is the current best fit for under- standing the genetics of non-syndromic forms of autism (i.e., most cases) […] Besides mapping a large number of risk alleles, researchers are also investigating new mutations and epigenetic mechanisms—genetic imprinting or epimutations that trigger the underlying susceptibility (Toth & Stobbe, p. 488, 2011).” 2. Thimerosal mercury literally making the autonomic nervous system stuck like a tree in innocent children when injected at birth in vaccine cocktails and throughout their childhoods because our FDA won’t become less owned by Big Pharmacological companies, i.e. won’t cease being cheap! It would take millions of refrigerators to get rid of cheap Thimerosal mercury that is used as a preservative in the vaccines you are coerced by ads, media, and schools to poison your own children with. It should be punishable to the full extent of the law. Everyone knows how toxic mercury fillings have been in the mouths of humans—and woe be to those who must bear the plethora of nervous system disorders and mysterious hundreds of other after effects of when their mercury fillings have been removed! My own mother is one of the victims. Serious consequences for our people, our society. Every single time I see a huge plastered bill-board bearing a politically correct (Big Pharma/FDA-get-rich-correct) nice hard-working black woman flexing her muscles with the caption, “Strong women get vaccinated” (ala tipping their hat to the 1940s Swing-shift women “We Can Do It” days) or the like, I get very upset when driving. This unequivocal absolute lie that vaccines make you better or well, must stop. People must look into the preservative Thimerosal mercury that is loaded in our culture’s vaccines and demand, not request, that the doctor or nurse give them a mercury-free vaccine and demand that schools must cease requiring mercury-filled vaccinations for attendance. Vaccines can be fine and great for a society but only if the toxic metal is legally barred from being their preservative to keep their room-temperature shelves stocked cheaply. For those of you who persist to not yet believe, I invite you to phone up three random doctors’ offices, ask for the nurse to tell you if she knows if thimerosal mercury is used in the vaccines as a preservative. Ask her to go check and please come back and read the “ingredients” please. I did this. Do you know what I found? Every single nurse said either that they had no idea what I was talking about, no idea what thimerosal mercury was, and that “vaccines are safe here”. It is sadder than sad, it is insane. Toxic metals are even found in our piped water, showers, sinks. For those who will listen to reason, shower heads that remove metals from pouring all over you and soaking into your skin like the sponge it is, they are available all over the Internet. “Besides mapping a large number of risk alleles, researchers are also investigating new mutations and epigenetic mechanisms (genetic imprinting or epimutations that trigger the underlying susceptibility) […] Other risk factors and markers being researched include infection and immune dysfunction; neuropeptides, such as oxytocin and vasopressin; endocrine and obstetric factors; and exposure to drugs, metals, and other toxins (Toth & Stobbe, Abstract, 2011).” 3. The DSM seems to be doing cartwheels or backflips about the issue of changing the criteria for ASD. The DSM is changing how they define/diagnose ASD too quickly to accommodate, but it isn’t accommodating anyone but their egos to satiate their fears of a society that will be primarily autistic by the time most of us are in our senior years. The dysphoria that this creates among us, the irresponsibility of how we know there is a serious problem, but we won’t budge with doing marches or taking the FDA to court to stop making it school requirements to inject our children, our pregnant mothers with cocktails that have so much toxic metals that it is amazing they are not dead. High toxicity = high toxicity. Why do we persist to fight this clarity? When considering why so many children are developing ASD, I do not believe “the numbers” are increasing due to our saying what it is or is not; Rather, I believe sincerely and passionately that the numbers are increasing in a genuine way because ASD is so easy to spot with the social behavioral problems and oddities, the no eye-contact and no essential need for human touch or emotive communication, facial expressions, and a need for inner balance—which is why they vehemently shake their hands or have ticks and can seem ADHD due to their hyperactivity. Lead blankets and heavy life raft vests are being used on their young bodies to give them a sense of “center” inside. Their autonomic nervous system is so counter-whacked that they literally spend their days trying to shake a limb to find their centers that we all take so for granted having naturally. Sure, if we define green zebras, then we will be able to count more “green zebras”, but I do not believe that our being able to identify/define with precision ASD is making “more numbers”, i.e. prevalence. I believe that our culture is injecting children and young mothers with poison camouflaged as a “vaccine”, and this is the culprit reason. Heavy metals in the brain can be fatal in some cases and are linked to causal factors in ASD: “Certain metals, depending on what particular frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum they are exposed to, such as BASF Carbonyl Iron Powder can actually absorb the microwave radiation instead of amplifying it [...] The basic physics involved in that simple event lends tremendous insight into what is going on inside the brains, intestines, and all the way down to the mitochondrial DNA of the EMF sensitive, vulnerable sub-populations such as the unborn, newborns, infants and school children, and the role these microwave emissions play in Autism (Imbriano & The Fullerton Informer, 2013).” Our society must waken from our false comfort, and fast. I say, shame on us if we do not do this for the new generations! Really. There is no reason for this delay! There exists every single ethical reason for us to spread the news like wildfire. We must get into a new mentality that eliminates possible or plausible causative factors such as vaccine preservatives and the toxicity levels of our own showers and baths. We need more than merely to “address the epidemic”. We need to stop being so politically correct about everything and taking scores of years to “approve” medications, “approve” new truths, “deny” old lies. We need to buck up and get real and serious about this. We are harming future generations when we even use verbiage in college settings like “What do we do to address this?” Hello: Modern human beings’ autonomic nervous systems are coming out of the birth canal stuck like a tree. Shall we have tea about it some more and talk, talk, talk, or shall we get real and take necessary actions to make horror illegal? References Imbriano, J., & The Fullerton Informer. (2013, March 27). Carbonyl iron and Orange County: the autism capital of the state. Retrieved from Mash, E. J. (2015). Abnormal Child Psychology, 6th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from Toth, K., PhD., & Stobbe, G., M.D.N. (2011, October). Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. Pediatric Annals, 40(10), 488-92. doi: |
Author Quote"Writing is the fastest way ![]() Dumbo's Feather:
Clutch & Fly High AuthorM.L. Crider "And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything."
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